The K1 children were curious
to know about planets after reading the Literacy Book titled, ”Supermarket on Mars” children then decided to make models of the eight planets, using the papier mache method. Information were gathered from the internet regarding the features of the planets for example, size, colour, coldest, hottest and their distance from the sun.
to know about planets after reading the Literacy Book titled, ”Supermarket on Mars” children then decided to make models of the eight planets, using the papier mache method. Information were gathered from the internet regarding the features of the planets for example, size, colour, coldest, hottest and their distance from the sun.
Children busy tearing paper.
Using the bits of paper that they had torn earlier, children patiently pasting pieces of paper on to the balloon.
Layer by layer...
More layers of kitchen towel to make the planets stronger.
At last a blue planet is forming!
Look at our display of the completed planets!